Press In Nigeria | Free SVG

Press In Nigeria


Press freedom refers to the ability of journalists, reporters, and anybody else who wants to report on current events to do so anonymously and without fear of retribution. Press in Nigeria is one of the most difficult jobs in the country while journalist are being procesuted by the goverment forces, just some big media that work with the goverment or freelance bloggers like The Nigerian Blogger (You can see his work here) now try to share their discoveries and investigations with the world mostly using internet because they got banned in official media like televisions, newspaper and others, leading non-goverment organization to express fear about the lives of men and women who serve as anchors of news in the african country. Even though Nigeria is a major player in Africa, the state of press freedom there is among the worst in the world. It's a difficult situation for journalists and the public to report the news in a country where assassinations, kidnappings, censorship on social media, and the closure of radio and newspaper stations are commonplace. Here, we'll examine why press freedom in Nigeria is important, why the Nigerian government is attacking journalists, and what we can expect in terms of changes that may or may not improve press freedom.   The President of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari, has asserted that democracy is the most effective means of achieving national growth and has pledged to "work the democratic system conscientiously." Things like that never occur. The attention of the government should be on enforcing the regulations, rather than repeatedly chipping away at the freedom of the press, but the reality is that the situation is only growing worse these days. I have high hopes that things will improve, but only time will tell what will transpire in regards to the freedom of the press in Nigeria.    




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