About Us


Welcome to the new home and safe haven for all public domain clipart content in SVG vector format. We are Vedran and Boris, administrators of publicdomainvectors.org, a website dedicated to vector images in all graphic formats with public domain license. We have recently uploaded 55k clipart images in SVG format that were part of openclipart.org making them accessible to all and intend contributing our own vectors to this website in the near future making this site one of the largest archives of its kind.

Although this site is new, we have operated successfully for many years as publicdomainvectors.org so you are assured we are in this for the long haul. We intend to finance this website through advertising and not be dependant on donations to keep the site running. In this way we think we will be able to provide reliable and robust hosting service with additional security services like Cloudflare, which will help us run the website without interruptions.

The good news is CC0 licensing remains for all community created clipart for past and future contributions and this will not change. So if you have vectors you wish to contribute then please sign up for an account and start posting your work for the benefit of all. You don't even have to be a clipart artist to contribute, we are currently looking for beta testers for the site, to evaluate the current site format and offer feedback and ideas for future functionality. We also intend to add additional features like comments, SVG Edit, conversion to other formats etc in the coming months.

Freesvg.org is developed using Laravel, free, open source PHP web framework released under MIT open source license

If you have any comments, question or suggestions, then we would love to hear from you, so please post in our forum.

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