City Information Booklet Event Calendar Guide There will be up to 5,000 exclusive full color City Information Booklet And Event Calendars to be distributed May, 2016. The distribution will be high traffic areas for our local families and businesses to pick up. The City Information Booklet And Event Calendars are meant to keep the house holds safe, by having all the emergency contacts and other important numbers like the local school districts, and utilities. The Information Booklet And Event Calendars are a perfect fit for all businesses, looking to grow a product based in the community for business andfamilies. We are only looking for five to eight local supporting ads from businesses. Spaces are very limited so you must call us to reserve the exclusive ad today. Ad space can only be reserved by calling the toll free number below: Also we are running a discounted rate on purchases of more than one city. Rates: 3.75 x 3.35 ad: $349.50 (Business Card) 3.75 x 7.0 ad: $449.50 (Double Business Card) 3.75 x 7.0 ad: $699.50 (Front Cover) 3.75 x 10.5 ad: $799.50 (Back Cover) Gold Package ad: $1299.50 (Front and Back Cover) Elite Package ad: $1999.50 (Only Advertiser on Booklet) Bill Wilson New Start Media Media Director 888-857-2655 Proud members of the US Chamber of Commerce To be removed from mailing list reply STOP!
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