car SMIL animation

car SMIL animation


This is a car-chase-animation which represents two cars which are running along the circumference of a lake.The red-cars lap time is 15 seconds.The yellow-cars one is 18 seconds.This animation is implemented by "animateMotion" function of "SMIL".You can jump the next section by clicking on each section.This is implemented by "viewBox" function of "svg".I used OCAL cliparts called "top view car" uploaded by "jonadem"."Alpine Landscape Rock Rubble 01f Al1" ,"Alpine Landscape Rock Rubble Corner 01a Al1","Alpine Landscape Rock Rubble 01a Al1" and "Firebog Boat" uploaded by "glitch".Thanks.


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Size 0.42 MB

Date: 17/03/2020

No. of downloads: 59

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SVG ID: 102446