User JayNick did a great job making a clickable SVG calendar, I liked it a lot but it was locked into one geographic region. So I tried to hack it (with some good help from JayNick) into showing Japanese holidays (in English for this one) so people in other regions could use it too! Several problems though... * Japanese holidays have super long English official names so I had to abbreviate them etc.* Many Japanese holidays slide around on the calendar in order to be on the closest monday to give a three day weekend (thats called the "happy monday system") so those holidays are only legitimate on this calendar for the next for years.* Mountain Day is a "new" holiday suddenly added to the calendar recently, so it will show up on older dates but didnt actually exist at earlier dates.* Two Japanese holidays (the equinoxes) are only announced the year before, so no way to do a multi-year calendar that I can see? Although often roughly the same day, but not always exactly.... So sadly had to skip those ones. (Two missing holidays? Gosh!)Anyway, long story short this is still full of bugs and not perfect. But I thought I would get it out there. Also, for a full explanation on how to use this image, see the source image at the link to the right. cheers!
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