


The list of available filters via uploading raster images to openclipart. This time, tested on a black&white and grayscale gradient image. If you want to upload a raster image for a clipart to the library, send them to *filter name*, like for example to [email protected] for the potrace filter. The subject of the mail will be the name of the clipart, and you can specify the description in the message and tags by # marks. Also tags such as upload2openclipart, request+new, filter+*filter name*, vectorized will be added by default.The list of available filters: autotraceavatarborderboxelizecyanizedirtydollarfaceequalizegothamgrayscalekelvinlomomapitizenashvilleoutlinepaintpencilsketchphotocopypixelizepixelize64pixelize128posterizeposterize32posterize64posterize256posterize256detailpotraceprosaturizesepiaizesimplizesketchstencilizertiltshifttoasterwoodcutEdit:since the original upload, more filters are added, namely autotile, inktile and tiltile.Check the remixes for other ordering to better compare, and also focusing on coloured image tracing.


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Size 25.28 MB

Date: 12/01/2021

No. of downloads: 27

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SVG ID: 102488